Thursday, May 29, 2014

Do Twins Run in Your Family? Nope, But They Do Now!

All the twin questions and comments came pouring in nearly immediately after announcing to the world that Nolan was going to be a big brother x 2. Do twins run in your family? Did you have them naturally? Did you plan it?

As far as we knew, twins definitely did not run in our family and this truly was a miracle. We thought that since I was still nursing Nolan, my body was acting a little crazy and somehow two eggs dropped. Two and a half years later we would find out a little more truth to why...

{1 Day old…practically perfect in every way!}

But lets go back to the beginning...Jack was tiny, only 5lbs 5 oz, but was strong and thriving. 
Our sweet little Neva was 5lbs 12oz. When she was 2 days old we noticed that she would cry out in pain after feeding. She started to loose weight and by day 3 she was down to 4lbs 12oz. What on earth was going on? They did some tests and found that she had pancreatic duodenal atresia. Her intestine had wrapped around her pancreas. Every emotion that you think you would feel when you are told that your brand new, perfect baby has to under go intensive surgery, is not even close to what you actually feel. Its like an elephant sitting on your chest, while your insides are trying to escape through every inch of your body. You shake your head in agreement, but you have no idea what you have just agreed to. Everything is so loud and totally silent at the same time. You can't even cry.  

Neva, the true warrior that she is (and now she even has the scar to prove it) came out of surgery perfectly. But, now tell me, how was I supposed to leave her behind while she recovered? How do you have two babies and only leave the hospital with one?  

Jack, my amazing, tiny Jack saved us. He gave us the strength to go home and take care of him. He and his brother gave us more than a million reasons to laugh everyday. They would not let us dwell on the fact that one of us was not home yet. They needed us. 

Jack was actually the perfect new born baby. We could go to any restaurant, event, whatever and he would just sleep right through it. The Perfect Baby. 
{Our tiny hero}

Neva's recovery was text book. If all went well she would be home in 3 weeks and 3 weeks later….she was home!

Three kids under 1.5 ALL at home…..It just got REAL!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When Two little Bugs decided to Join the Fun!

I have told this story a time or two before…actually I have told this story a lot, but its still fun to tell…so now you get to hear it…probably for the umpteenth time. 

My Nolan was 6 months old and he and I were baking a German chocolate cake for his daddy's birthday. (Slacker Nolan was making me do all the work.) Just like I had done every year since we had been dating…passing on the baton from his amazing mother who had done it since he was a little boy. While cracking the eggs for the cake, I found two of the eggs were twin eggs…thats right. One egg, two yolks. OMG, if I was pregnant, I would have been totally freaked out! That night we had champagne, German chocolate cake with twin eggs, you know, normal stuff. The next day, I just had to …..I just had to take a pregnancy test cause those eggs were still haunting me. Negative! Yes! I hopped into the shower and something told me to check the test again, so on my way out of the shower I took a peek and, GOOD GOD, two lines. no. NO WAY. Oh God. How do I tell steve? AHHHHHH. Okay. Suck it up…you can do this. I march up the stairs and just ever so gentle say "steve?"……immediately he responds.."your pregnant!" 
That was easy.

Okay, I'm pregnant. Those eggs. Those DAMNED eggs! We had to wait 4 weeks to see Dr. Sharffenberger (try saying that 3 times fast). February 14, this is what we saw on that little screen. TWO YOLKS!!

I mean that's crazy, right? I'm totally not making any of this up…this really happened!

Obviously we are in shock at this point. Laughing hysterically in Dr. Sharfennbergers office. I have the tendency to laugh when I am nervous, a lovely trait my mom passed on to me. ahhhh…good times. now what?